Top 5 Skin Care Myths Revealed

We all want to look good, have a flawless skin and so, we go for the best skin care products, no matter how expensive they are. We just go for what's best for our skin. However, there is a butt-load of creams, ointments and remedies out there, but no all are created equal. You must have read about the "true and tried" tips and tricks for radiant skin, online or may be in beauty magazines, thaqt give a lot of information, But is that information all Correct?

The Five Most common skin care are.

#1. Exfoliate Skin Once a Week
This is one of the most common skin care myths. Scrubbing away dead skin keeps skin looking fresh and bright. Some believe, that over exfoliating may lead to skin damage, irritation and a roigh skin texture, you may be able to know how often you need to exfoliate your skin. However, scraping dead skin cells off your skin is always a good idea, and leaves your skin feeling clean and fresh thorughout the day.

#2. Oily Skin Doesn't Need Moisturizer
Oily skin doesn't mean moisture. People with oily skin, usually tend to skip moisturizing their skin. However, applying a light moisturizer on an oily skin can help protect our skin from external factors, such as, dirt, sun damage and pollution. When our skin is too clean, or lets say, not properly moisturized, our skin tends to produce extra oil to make up for the dryness. Therefore apply a light moisturized to an exfoliated and clean skin. This will also decrease the extra oil production.

#3. Dry Skin Doesn't Need a Toner
Toners are usually harsh, made with alcohol-based astringent that may possibly dry out your skin. Such toners might work for people with extra oily skin. People with complex or dry skin, however, should avoid using it. No matter what is your skin type, go for an alcohol-free toner that can be used to freshen and hydrate your skin without over drying it.

#4 Men Should Stick to Men's Products
Don't just go for the products that say 'for men', instead opt products according to your skin need. After all, skin is ksin. You need to take care of it Some men shy away from using women's products because of the packaging and the fragrance. Just don't Try swapping your sister's or spouse's face wash and moisturizer and your skin will be just fine.

#5 Women Over 30 Need Anti-Aging Products
With the boom of anti-aging products in the market, It's tempting to go out and buy all of the wrinkle and age-spot creams after you see the signs of wrinkles and lines. Your skin may age, but, biologically, it's still the same type. Read carefully the ingredients on the anti-aging products, and try and go for the ones that have natural moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, such as, honey and shea butter to make your skin look fresh and moisturized.